Little Green Storage Room Sizes

Flexible terms and space is available so if you don't see what you need, just ask...

We have a large selection of rooms sizes to choose from...

A 25 sq. ft room should accommodate the contents of 1/4 of a typical garage.

A 35 sq. ft room should accommodate the contents of a typical studio flat.

A 50 sq. ft room should accommodate the contents of a typical transit van.

A 75 sq. ft room should accommodate the contents of a typical luton van.

A 100 sq. ft room should accommodate the contents of a typical garage.

A 125 sq. ft room should accommodate the contents of a typical 3 bedroom house.

A 150 sq. ft room should accommodate the contents of a 7.5 tonne lorry.

A 175 sq. ft room should accommodate the contents of a typical double garage.

A 200 sq. ft room should accommodate the contents of a typical large double garage.

We have a selection of varying sized offices to choose from...

Available to hire for a full or half day, up to 10 people capacity...

As we are growing we have space to accommodate bulk items on short rents...